near 鍜宐eside鍦ㄧ敤娉曚笂鏈変粈涔堝尯鍒紵
发布日期:2025-01-04 11:03 点击次数:119
1. near浣滃舰瀹硅瘝銆?(1)琛ㄧず"閭昏繎鐨?鎺ヨ繎鐨?quot;銆傚锛歛 near translation鎺ヨ繎鍘熸枃鐨勭炕璇戙€?2)涔熷彲浠ヨ〃绀?quot;浜插瘑鐨?杩戜翰鐨?quot;銆傚锛欻e is my near friend. 浠栨槸鎴戞渶濂界殑鏈嬪弸銆?br />2. near鍙互鐢ㄤ綔浠嬭瘝銆?鎰忎负锛?quot;鍦?.....闄勮繎"鎴?quot;鎺ヨ繎,杩?quot;濡傦細There's a bakery near our house. 鍦ㄦ垜瀹堕檮杩戞湁涓€涓潰鍖呭簵銆侷t is near dinner time. 蹇埌鍚冮キ鐨勬椂闂翠簡銆?br />BESIDE 鐨勭敤娉?Besides, there are very few skilled stone workers left after the war years. =Also, there are very few skilled stone workers that are left after the war years. 姝ゅ锛屾垬浜夊勾浠h繃鍚庯紝鎶€鏈啛缁冪殑鐭冲尃浠ユ墍鍓╂棤鍑犮€?鍙ヤ腑鐨刡esides鏄壇璇嶏紝浣溾€滆繕鏈夛紝鑰屼笖鈥濊В锛岄€氬父缃簬鍙ラ銆?渚嬪锛?it鈥檚 too late to go to the concert. Besides, it鈥檚 raining. I don鈥檛 want to go out now. besides, I鈥檓 feeling tired. The task is difficult; besides, time is limited. Besides杩樺彲浠ョ敤浣滀粙璇嶏紝鎰忔€濇槸鈥滈櫎鈥︿箣澶栤€濓紝鈥滆繕鏈夆€︹€?渚嬪锛?There are five other room besides these two. Besides the violin, Jack also plays the piano. To learn English, listening is also important besides reading. 涓嶈鎶奲esides鍚宐eside鏄粙璇嶏紝浣溾€滃湪鈥︹€︽梺杈光€濓紙next to锛夎В锛屼緥濡傦細 He is sitting beside the driver. He lives in a town beside a lake. by, beside, near鍜宯ext to 1) by鍜宐eside鍧囪〃绀衡€滃湪鈥︹€︽梺杈光€濓紝甯稿彲鎹㈢敤 渚嬶細There is a chair by the table. 妗屽瓙杈逛笂鏈変竴鎶婃瀛愩€?She stood by the window. 濂圭珯鍦ㄧ獥杈广€?The hotel is beside (/by) the river. 閭e楗簵鍦ㄦ渤杈广€?Come and sit beside (/by) me. 杩囨潵锛屽潗鍦ㄦ垜杈逛笂銆?Put your shoes beside mine. 鎶婁綘鐨勯瀷瀛愭斁鍦ㄦ垜鐨勯瀷瀛愭梺杈广€?2) near琛ㄧず鈥滃湪鈥︹€﹂檮杩戔€濓紝琛ㄧず鐨勮窛绂绘瘮by鍜宐eside绋嶈繙浜涳紝涔熸椂甯告崲鐢?渚嬶細There is a theatre near his home. 浠栧闄勮繎鏈変竴瀹跺墽闄€?Don't play near the road. 涓嶈鍦ㄩ┈璺檮杩戠帺銆?There is a post office near No. 1 Middle School. 绗竴涓闄勮繎鏈変竴鎵€閭眬銆?